Using a local registry with Minikube

Sharad Bhat
1 min readApr 22, 2021
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Installing Docker

The official documentation is a good source for this process.

Installing Minikube

For this too, we follow the official documentation.

Getting Started

Make sure the Docker daemon is running.

Creating a Local Registry

Create and run the local registry at port 5000 using the following command.

$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2

Add the local insecure registry to Docker. To make it easier to access your host, Minikube v1.10 adds a hostname entry host.minikube.internal to /etc/hosts

"insecure-registries": [ "host.minikube.internal:5000" ]

Starting Minikube Cluster

$ minikube start --insecure-registry="host.minikube.internal:5000"

This flag will let Minikube know that the registry at that location is an insecure one and does not need to enforce https .

Tagging and Pushing Images

To push images to our local registry, we need to tag our images.

$ docker pull alpine$ docker tag alpine localhost:5000/my-alpine$ docker push localhost:5000/my-alpine

Pulling the image in Minikube

$ minikube ssh$ docker pull host.minikube.internal:5000/my-alpine

You should be able to see docker being able to pull the image inside Minikube without any errors.


  1. Docker —
  2. Minikube —
  3. Host Access —

